As soon as the Big Brother-The Chase live evictions show ended (which left Angelo and Bimp evicted), Beverly walked upstairs to her room and cried under the covers.
You could call it a double blow as the Nigerian rep was also very close to Bimp.
But it was with Angelo that she had sexual relations. The pair got so fond of each other that they even discussed getting married someday.
‘You still have me. You will be fine. I will still be here for you’, fellow country-mate Melvin consoled her. ‘My bed is the biggest in the House. You can share it with me’, he added .
Beverly laid back, sobbing in bed not saying much at all, after which she headed out into the garden to have a smoke by herself.
On a good note, she has made it to the top 5 without getting nominated once. Will she walk away with the big prize?
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