He asked them for he dissolution of his marriage to his wife, Grace, on allegations of sex denial.
Mr Adebayo revealed that anytime he asks for sex, they will begin to argue which would then lead to a brutal fight.
“My wife once slapped our landlord’s wife because she came to mediate between the two of us when she refused me sex,” he said.
He also added that his wife does not respect him or his family members and only do whatever pleases her
Once, Adebayo claims, that his wife came to his office, armed with a knife and threatened to stab him in the presence of his boss.
He also added that he believed his wife to be diabolical, saying that she took three towels from the house and since then, he had been experiencing severe itching all over his body.
He pleaded with the court to dissolve their union because she did not please him in bed and still beat him up.
His wife, Grace, defended herself by saying she was not ready to divorce her husband because of their children, adding that the reason they fought was because she denied him sex.
She explained that she did this because her husband did not take care of the family while he was having affairs with the landlord’s daughter.
The court thus dissolved the union and ordered John to be responsible for the upkeep and welfare of the children.
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